About Me

Hi, I’m Naveen, and I’m here to help you with your (skincare) issues. I was born in Bangladesh, India, and adopted and brought to live in Springfield, Illinois, at 6 months old. I have an adopted sister, Jade, and a burning passion for helping people feel good about themselves, starting with their skin.
My childhood was filled with love, encouragement, and good food. I think that’s why I never had an ‘aha’ moment – my passion for natural and sustainable skincare has just kind of always been there. I mean, really, if I could bottle that feeling of love and unwavering support, that would be the ultimate skincare ingredient.
Growing up, our place was always buzzing with talks about natural ingredients, superfoods, ancient remedies, and the sounds of my sister, Jade, literally cooking up something new. Jade was my partner in crime. More than a sister, she was (is) my guide, pushing me to dream big and step outside the ordinary.
Not that ordinary was ever really a choice. In any human being’s journey, there comes a time when you have to learn to love yourself, like really love yourself, not just treating ‘yo self in the name of self-care. As an adopted, kinda awkward, definitely way too into DIY facial scrubs teen, I had to master the self-love part early on.
These days, my sister and I are together but miles apart, embarking on our separate entrepreneurial adventures. Jade’s burning passion for vegan and vegetarian food led her worldwide as she began her blog, www.cookingwithjade.com, and now her very own cookbook *wipes tears of pride*.
As for my journey, my passion for natural and organic skincare has brought me to the City of Angels – Los Angeles, California. Here, I’ve learned that good skincare isn’t actually skin deep, AKA, it’s not just about looking good; it’s about understanding the delicate dance between our skin, nature, and the planet. It’s about leaving a mark… a good mark, not the kind you need to laser off.
All these experiences and my passion for the power of nature have driven me to change the world, one face at a time. And that’s how Naturally Naveen came to be. My site is equal parts natural skin care gold and good vibes. My goal is to inspire you to take care of your skin naturally and sustainably and then show you how.
What’s next for me? Launching my natural skincare line. It’s not just about products or brand building; it’s about sharing a piece of my passion and changing lives and faces. Even better, I’m not doing this alone. Collaboration with other experts is key for me. I’m excited to bring together minds that vibe with my vision of sustainable skincare!
So put on a good face mask, take a look around, stay a little while. Check out all of my natural skincare wisdom.