Want to nose something? Taking care of your nose might not be at the top of your beauty priority list, but considering its vital role in your respiratory system and overall well-being, it deserves some love, too.
From filtering the air you breathe (super important when you live in a mega city like L.A.) to enhancing your sense of smell, your nose does a lot for you. These are my top tips to help you keep your nose game strong:
Keep It Clean
Keeping your nose squeaky clean is key to kicking out unwanted guests, A.K.A dirt, bacteria, and allergens.
First off, you can try using a saline nasal spray or bust out an old-fashioned neti pot to give your nasal passages a good cleanse. There’s a reason they’ve been around forever, and it’s that they really do work wonders at flushing out all the gunk and leaving you feeling fresh.
Moisturize From The Inside Out
Ever had that annoying feeling of, like, the entire Sahara Desert popping off in your nose? Yeah, it’s awful. Plus, a dry nose isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s also an open invitation for infections and viruses to come to the party.
Luckily, there are a couple of small things you can try to keep things nice and moist:
First up, buy a humidifier for at home. It’ll pump some much-needed moisture into the air, especially when it’s as dry outside, or you’re cranking up the heat during the winter. And hey, if you want (or need) to go a step further, try dabbing a tiny bit of petroleum jelly inside your nose to help lock in that moisture.
Avoid Irritants
Exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke, strong, alcohol-based perfumes, and harsh chemicals can irritate your nasal passages.
Less exposure to these troublemakers means less chance of your nasal passages throwing a fit and getting all inflamed.
Practice Proper Nasal Hygiene
When it comes to keeping those nasal nasties at bay, good hygiene habits are key.
Make sure you’re giving those hands a good scrub regularly, especially before you go poking around your face or nose. And hey, sharing might be caring, but when it comes to stuff like towels and tissues, it’s best to keep those to yourself to avoid potential infections.
Stay Hydrated
Sippin’ on water is good for pretty much everything, so it’s no surprise that hydration is a key player in keeping your nose, in tip-top shape. Staying hydrated helps keep those nasal passages nice and moist and say goodbye to dryness. Always try to drink at least 64oz of water every day, more if you can swing it.
Protect Against Allergens
Allergens like pollen, dust, and dander from pet fur can really spell trouble for your nose. You know those really embarrassing and uncomfortable sneezing sessions that seem like they will never end? The kind that causes the person next to you to make a generic joke about being done saying ‘bless you?’
To keep those sneezes at bay, try some simple tricks: keep your windows shut tight when pollen’s flying high, and pick up some allergy-proof pillowcases and mattress covers from Target. Give your place a good vacuum and dusting on the regular, but maybe go a little extra during allergy season.
Use Nasal Strips
Got a case of the sniffles or snoring keeping you up at night? Been there!
Nasal strips are a thing in my home, and they might just be your new best friend, too. Stick these little adhesive strips on the outside of your nose, and they’ll work their magic by giving your nostrils a gentle lift and letting the air flow freely.
You can find nasal strips for less than $15 at most major retailers and some even have added essential oils such as lavender, for an even deeper sleep.
Be Gentle with Your Nose
Hear me when I say you need to be giving the same gentle care to your nose that you do to your skin and face.
Your nose tissues are sensitive, so steer clear of nose-picking (gross) or sticking anything weird up there that could mess with your nasal passages and invite unwanted germs. When you need to blow your nose, go easy on it to dodge irritation.
Know When to Go Pro
If your nose is consistently giving you trouble, know when to call in the pros. Stuffiness that won’t quit, serious pain, or nosebleeds that won’t stop are all signs that it’s time to see a professional for a checkup.
Keep it Healthy All Around
Make sure your lifestyle is healthy overall, which is critical for glowing skin, a healthy nose, and a happy life!
When I say overall health, I mean eating fruits and veggies, getting outside, moving your body, thinking kind things, and doing your best to put good into the world. Also, sunscreen. All of these things will keep your nose and the rest of your body and mind healthy.
Follow Your Nose
Always stay intuned with your body and your nose is no different.
For example, if your nose is telling you to comment below how much you liked my article, do it. If your nose is telling you to seek wisdom from my other natural skincare and beauty articles, listen… you can find them here.
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